effective with 意味

  • ~で有効{ゆうこう}な


  1. i feel i can be more effective with tyler if i have her cooperation .
    母親の協力を得てからの方が より効果的なアプローチが
  2. the jr (west ) suburban train series 223 (comprising eight cars ) is used for the up trains during the night and for the train going through to osaka (one round trip ) in the next morning , effective with the revision of march 2006 .
    JR西日本223系電車 - 2006年3月改正では夜の上りと、翌朝の大阪直通の1往復に8両貫通編成が使われている。
  3. the jr (west ) suburban train series 223 (comprising eight cars ) is used for the up trains during the night and for the train going through to osaka (one round trip ) in the next morning , effective with the revision of march 2006 .
    JR西日本223系電車 - 2006年3月改正では夜の上りと、翌朝の大阪直通の1往復に8両貫通編成が使われている。
  4. however , since actual government affairs were performed by sekkan-ke and powerful nobles who were also the most powerful manor lords , and kokushi , towards the end of their term , who had a tendency to approve manors by powerful nobles as a form of office-seeking activity to secure their next post , it was not very effective with many exceptional cases .


        effective:     effective adj. 効力のある, 効き目がある. 【副詞】 These measures have not been altogether effective. これらの対策が十分に効果的であったとは言えない It was Mr. Smith who was chiefly effective in bringing these plans to fruiti
        effective as of:    _年_月_日から有効な
        effective in:    _月をもって
        effective...:    effective... 有効[基礎]; 有効[航宇]
        to be effective:    to be effective 効く 利く きく
        as effective as medication at:    薬と同じくらい(病気{びょうき})に効く
        become effective:    発効する、有効になる、効力を生じる、実施される、施行される This Agreement shall become effective on __ and continue in effect until __. 本契約は、_年_月_日に有効となり、_年_月_日まで有効に継続するものとする。
        clinically effective:    {形} :
        clinically-effective:    {形} : 臨床的{りんしょう てき}に有効{ゆうこう}な
        cost effective:    {形} :
        cost-effective:    {形} : 費用効率{ひよう こうりつ}が高い、費用に対し最も効率の良い、費用効果がある、費用効果的な、コスト効率の良い、割りのいい、割りがいい、割が良い Good manners are cost-effective. 良いマナーは費用効率性が高い。
        delayed effective:    遅効性{ちこう せい}
        described as effective:    《be ~》効果的{こうかてき}であるといわれる
        effective acceleration:    有効加速度{ゆうこう かそくど}
        effective action:    効果的{こうかてき}な行動{こうどう}、有効作用{ゆうこう さよう}


  1. "effective way to entice workers" 意味
  2. "effective way to hold down escalating prices" 意味
  3. "effective way to nourish" 意味
  4. "effective weight" 意味
  5. "effective width" 意味
  6. "effective with once-daily use" 意味
  7. "effective work" 意味
  8. "effective working zone of heating equipment" 意味
  9. "effective yield" 意味
  10. "effective weight" 意味
  11. "effective width" 意味
  12. "effective with once-daily use" 意味
  13. "effective work" 意味

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