i feel i can be more effective with tyler if i have her cooperation . 母親の協力を得てからの方が より効果的なアプローチが
the jr (west ) suburban train series 223 (comprising eight cars ) is used for the up trains during the night and for the train going through to osaka (one round trip ) in the next morning , effective with the revision of march 2006 . JR西日本223系電車 - 2006年3月改正では夜の上りと、翌朝の大阪直通の1往復に8両貫通編成が使われている。
the jr (west ) suburban train series 223 (comprising eight cars ) is used for the up trains during the night and for the train going through to osaka (one round trip ) in the next morning , effective with the revision of march 2006 . JR西日本223系電車 - 2006年3月改正では夜の上りと、翌朝の大阪直通の1往復に8両貫通編成が使われている。
however , since actual government affairs were performed by sekkan-ke and powerful nobles who were also the most powerful manor lords , and kokushi , towards the end of their term , who had a tendency to approve manors by powerful nobles as a form of office-seeking activity to secure their next post , it was not very effective with many exceptional cases . だが、実際の政務を行っているのが最大の荘園領主である摂関家以下有力貴族であったこと、国司側も任期が終了に近づくと次の役職を得るための一種の猟官運動として有力貴族による荘園実施を認める傾向にあったために多くの例外が生まれ、実効性が乏しかった。